Recent Police Activity

There have been two home invasions and a break-in , this past week in Runnemede.  During a phone interview this morning, Captain Paul Dailey spoke about the recent events.

There was home invasion on Payne Avenue.  Captain Dailey stated that both the man and woman have been arrested.

A break-in had occurred on Pine Avenue.  Captain Dailey believes that this person was entering the wrong house and was possibly intoxicated.

And on Tuesday, another home invasion took place on West 2nd Avenue, in the afternoon.    According to Captain Dailey, the suspect has not been caught but the Runnemede police are getting close to capturing the suspect. The Runnemede schools were not contacted during this home invasion.

Dr. Nancy Ward was contacted today and released a statement via email.

“I just heard about the police action from a staff member this morning.  I am trying to get it confirmed,” said Ward.  Ward did leave a message for the chief of the police and is waiting for a response.

Captain Daily says Runnemede residents should not worry.  Residents should keep their doors locked and report any suspicious cars or person’s going from door to door.

15 Responses to “Recent Police Activity”

  1. Sue Says:

    Well isn’t that wonderful? Aren’t situations like this the reason the PD offers Nixle? I get alerts from all different towns about missing persons, accidents, roads being closed and NOTHING from MY OWN TOWN about home invasions taking place? Seriously? I am disgusted by the lack of information. And why may I ask, if a home invasion was taking place during school hours and they didn’t get the person responsible, wasn’t the schools notified and placed on lockdown? I didn’t notice any increased police patrols on Tuesday either, and how many of our kids walk home from school by themselves? How many use the bike path which is never patrolled. I would really like to know why the PD didn’t feel it was warranted to inform the schools. There is some nutjob on the loose around here. Who is to say that that person will just keep their criminal activity to home invasions? Maybe they are capable of doing anything. And we find out important information once again, not by the borough or the police or the schools, we find out again through Dan. Thank you Dan, once again for keeping us all informed. God Bless You.

  2. KEL Says:

    Anyone know the address on Pine Ave?

  3. Me,Myself, and I Says:

    Our police department needs to keep us in the loop. Not just the few chosen ones that get the info. We pay taxes too and while we shouldn’t panic we should be made aware how important it is to lock your cars, sheds/garages, windows and doors. Also, don’t open your door to someone you don’t know. To give us that information would not send us in a panic but it would tell us to be smart. Not sure what time of day these home invasions took place, but if it were
    during school hours shouldn’t the schools be notified and possibly locked down? I feel let down that the police don’t give the tax paying people of Runnemede the courtesy we deserve. With today’s modern technology, it should be easy to get the word out to us. Stop hiding/covering up what happens in this town. Every town has these problems,you read about them everyday, but Runnemede seems to like to hide them. The police department needs to become more transparent.

  4. 12345 Says:

    I agree with Sue. Some children walk home alone. If the residents were notified of the home invasions, they would make arrangements for kids not to be home alone after school. My child is in High School and I would make sure my child will not be home alone until this is resolved. Could you imagine if a child walked in on a home invasion because the Police never informed us and gave us the option to protect our children?-negligence. Shame on Runnemede Police.

    Does anyone know if any of the Home Invasions were armed? There are many conflicting stories out there right now.

  5. Jeanne Says:

    I think it is a little condescending to tell residents they have nothing to worry about, shame on the runnemede police for not informing us. My understanding is the two home invasions were armed but I no nothing offical just what I have heard through the grapevine

  6. Cecilia Says:

    What is with this town? Are the police waiting for somone to be hurt or even worst…I really doubt the one was a drunk walking into the wrong house. Heard he wore a ski mask and had a gun. That is one scary drunk.. Get Real!! Tell the residents the truth, so all the hearsay stops..ONLY RUNNEMEDE!!!!

  7. Phoebe Says:

    You are so right Cecilia…ONLY RUNNEMEDE!!!!

  8. mayor14 Says:

    The drug problems amongst a few 20 somethings in town have been ignored for a long time. These drug addicts are on a continuous cycle of thefts,drugs,jail. only to be released and start the cycle again. Until the drug problem in this boro is addressed the stealing and home invasion violence will continue. things are heating up in little ole runnemede. now watch the longtimers leave and the drug dealers take over……….

  9. Bob Wilson Says:

    Our police department should not be sitting back its not fair to the taxpayers. All of surrounding neighbors are kept aware of crimes taken place in there town
    But not in good old Runnemede.
    You can’t just ask residents to just lock there windows and doors and not knowing what is going on in there community.

  10. Angela Says:

    I called to report a vehicle break in. Do you think I ever got a call back? If the police aren’t calling people back why would they think this is important to report?

  11. richie Says:

    I have never had a problem with the police in runnemede. when my father was sick they were there very fast every time my family called. and when our car was broken into they caught the guy and got us our stuff back. so angela, are you sure that you called because im sure they would answer your call.

  12. Michele Winters Says:

    I live on Payne Ave and this week we had 5 homes that I know of have items stolen from their property for scrap metal in addition to the armed robbery.
    I am alarmed and should be!!!

  13. Angela Says:

    Yes Richie, thank you very much for questioning if I knew if I made a phone call or not, but I did.

  14. richie Says:

    Are you sure you still had minutes left on your phone angela?

  15. Margaret Mary Harrington Says:

    Is it possible to find a site or newspaper that reports crime in Runnemede? We should be made aware, at the very least, on a weekly basis. How do we do this?

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